Over the past 10 years, teenagers have decreased the risky driving behavior of not wearing their seatbelts. But there’s a new concern on the rise for the past several years— teens texting while driving. Texting or emailing while driving is especially dangerous, because it takes the drivers’ attention away from driving more often and for longer periods than other distractions. Recent studies show that inexperienced teen drivers are at increased risk for accidents resulting from inattention. If you have a teenage driver in your home, be sure to set guidelines with your child regarding how and when they can use their mobile device. They should also take precaution with having friends in the car who may also distract them if they are reading emails, texts, or playing with phone applications even as a passenger. Source: www.pediatricnews.comFor new and expecting parents, here’s a few tips on how to manage your baby’s teething while they are an infant. First, you will know your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth, called primary teeth, break through the gums. This usually starts around 6 months can be between 3 and 12 months. Babies often bite on their fingers or toys to help relieve the pressure in their gums. They may also refuse to eat and drink because their mouths hurt. Many babies drool during teething. If the pain seems unbearable, then give your baby a mild pain reliever that is labeled for his or her specific age such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You can also consider buying a cold teething ring. Just make sure you provide safe objects for your baby to chew on.
Source: www.webmd.com